Welcome to our church, whether to explore the building or to visit our events or services. St Mary-le-Wigford church is the oldest church in Lincoln and evidence of its Saxon origin can be seen in the church.
We hold many events throughout the year and you can find out more by following the relevant links above.
Our Mission Statement
“Let all guests be received like Christ, who will say, I came as a guest and you welcomed me”.
Our community strives to follow this precept given by St Benedict to his monks and make this ancient building a place of welcome, hospitality and sanctuary to all who live, work or visit the City of Lincoln.
We don’t manage it all the time and so we try again by;
Gathering as a community which welcomes and celebrates human diversity including spirituality, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation.
Seeking to create a space where people of any faith, or none, can question and discover the sacred life through openness, struggle, laughter and prayer.
Working for a common commitment to be in solidarity with the poor and marginalised and to cherish creation.